If you are thinking about borrowing money, it is important that you understand interest rates. Here’s what you need to know:
Interest rate is the cost of borrowing money. When you borrow money, the lender charges you a percentage of the loan amount as payment for lending you money.
Fixed interest rate : This stays the same throughout the year and makes budgeting easy.
Variable interest rate: This can change anytime based on market conditions that is to say your payment can go up or down.
If you borrow a personal loan, Ugx. 45,000 with a 0.466% daily interest rate, at the end of 30 days, you will have accumulated an additional Ugx. 6,291, making your total repayment Ugx. 56,791. (This amount is exclusive of any service fees).
Please note that Fido charges a service fee of Ugx. 5,500 on repayments but not disbursements.
By understanding interest rates, you can make informed, smarter financial decisions.